Before we went North, we alternated between exploring Brighton and London. I took the train in from Paris last Thursday morning, and got off in a land of English speakers. Being able to ask anyone for help and assume that they could understand me was bizarre. I took advantage of this while getting lost trying to find the British Museum, which was the place I went to immediately. But on the way, I found a Tesco Express where they sold fresh chocolate chip cookies! I haven't had a fresh chocolate chip cookie in months, so that was my breakfast. I explored the British Musem for a few hours (Rosetta Stone and Parthenon marbles in the same wing? It's insane) and then reunited with Yael who I hadn't seen since Greece.
Brighton is a beach town that is California-ish with its pier and beach food. I probably spent half my time there skipping rocks, and the other half trying Audrey-approved British food (so as to avoid the stereotype of awful food here).
We went up to London last Saturday and had a really fun, busy day. It began with an ordinary walk to Buckingham Palace, where they happened to be rehearsing for the Queen's birthday party. It was a fun parade, and I wish I could go back for the real thing. We met up with a bunch of people from school (one coincidentally) and saw Waiting for Godot with Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, which was entertaining but very much caught between moments of intensity and moments of Three Stooges reenactments. But Ian McKellen was in it, so it was good.
Ha ha, Audre-approved british food. There isn't too much of it.