"Her water is wrong!"
At the end of every camp there is a show for the parents. My kids wanted to do one about a crazy American family, so I am letting them. We'll see if it turns out to be a good idea. One of the original scenes that is no longer in the script is one where the mother gives birth. I let the kids figure out the show in Italian and then perform it for me in English so I could understand what was happening. The one who is really good at English ran up to me and said, "Her water is wrong! Her water is wrong!" So I responded, "Stefano, what are you talking about?" And he pointed to the mother, giving birth to another girl in my group and repeated, "Her water is wrong!" I asked, "Her water broke?" He said, "Yes! Yes!" I cut that scene.
Photo Booth

Kids love Photo Booth. I think people of all ages love Photo Booth, but especially young kids. I brought out my computer to play "Hello Goodbye" for them when I was teaching opposites, and the techie in the group noticed the camera above my screen. So when we finished learning the song/motions, I turned it on and took a picture of them. Then, today I brought it out to work on the script for the show, and was quickly mobbed by half my group. So I told them that they could play with it during lunch. They spent the first 20 minutes of lunch taking pictures of themselves with different distortions. This is one of my favorites.
Nuns + Water Balloons
Friday was Water Games Day. We did Over/Under with huge water balloons, and the game where you hold a water balloon under your chin and pass it from neck to neck. But the best part was when Sister Gabriella (the young, cool nun) got ahold of the extra water balloons. And after a while, she moved onto the hose. I was really tempted to peg her with a water balloon while she was spraying me with a hose, but God might have struck me down immediately. I wish I had pictures.
Secret Shabbat
I'm going to guess that this was my convent's first Shabbat... and they don't even know that it happened. I got some wine and a lighter in Rome, Samira had leftover birthday candles, and I took some of the rolls they have daily in the canteen. And towels served as kippot. It was the first Shabbat for my three co-tutors and for Lauren, my good friend from Wash U who visited for the weekend. I think we went through about 8 birthday candles because they burnt out in like 15 minutes. It was definitely a unique experience.
Do the nuns wear habits? Or plain clothes? it would be more funny if they were having a water balloon fight in their habits.