Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pajama Party Murder Mystery

I’m working on my final summer post, but I thought I’d share my script for the last show.  At one week camps I spend a good part of Tuesday night writing the script.  The kids come up with the basic story, and sometimes the entire story, and I make it into a show.  I pay attention to which kids have more lines, I make sure everyone has 2-6 lines that they’ll be able to memorize in two days.  Sometimes they’re based on stories, like Grease, and sometimes they’re totally original, like this one.

In case you’re confused by the song in the middle, we sing a camp song with the same melody about a Ford Escort, a Mini, and a Ferrari.  I found this random video of it here:  One of my co-tutors the week before changed the words for her Sherlock Holmes show, and I stole it.

Scene 1: The Party at a Big House

(Party Girls and Killer enter and dance to “Judas” in pajamas)

PG #3: This is the best pajama party ever!!!!

PG #6: I love you girls!!

PG #1: (Looks like she has to go to the bathroom)  One second!  I must go to the toilet!

PG #2: Let’s take a break and then dance more!!!!!

(Party Girls and Killer exit)

(PG #1 enters the bathroom)

(Killer jumps on PG #1 and stabs her.  Killer runs back to Party Girls).

(Party Girls and Killer enter)

PG #4: Let’s watch a movie!!

PG #5: I want to watch Twilight!  I love Twilight!

PG #2: I’m thirsty, I need a Coca Cola!

(Lights go off)

PG #5:  Why are the lights off?

(PG #2 walks to the kitchen, Killer sneaks out behind Party girls)

(Killer jumps on PG #2 and stabs her) 


(Killer runs back to Party Girls)

Killer:  What was that?!?!??!

PG #3:  I don’t know!!  Let’s go to the kitchen!

(Party Girls and Killer run to kitchen)

PG #5:  OH MY GOD!!!  Sofia is dead!!!

PG #6:  And where’s Teresa?!  Isn’t she in the bathroom?!

PG #3:  I don’t know!!  Let’s go to the bathroom!

(Party Girls and Killer run to the bathroom)

PG #5:  OH MY GOD!!  Teresa is dead!!!

PG #6:  We must call the police!

(PG #4 calls the police)

Police #1:  Hello?

PG #6:  Emergency!  Two of my friends are dead!  Come quick!

Police #1:  We’re on our way!

Scene 2: Police called in, they bring in Sherlock and Watson

(Police #1,2,3 enter)

Police #2:  What happened here?

PG #4:  Two of our friends are dead!

Police #2:  Hmmmmm, any suspects?

PG #3:  No!!!  We are the only people here!

Police #3:  I don’t think we can solve this case alone.  It seems like a case for…

Police #1/2/3:  SHERLOCK HOLMES!!!

Party Girls, Killer, Police:

A Sherlock Holmes, A Sherlock Holmes
A Killer, Killer, Killer
And A Sherlock Holmes

A Sherlock Holmes, A Sherlock Holmes
A Killer, Killer, Killer
And A Sherlock Holmes

Mystery! Mystery!
A Killer, Killer, Killer
And A Sherlock Holmes

Mystery! Mystery!
A Killer, Killer, Killer
And A Sherlock Holmes

(Sherlock Holmes and Watson enter)

Police #1:  Hello Sherlock and Watson!  We need help!

Police #2:  Two girls were killed and we don’t know who the killer is!

Sherlock:  Don’t worry, let me see the crime scene.

(Sherlock and Watson walk around)

Watson:  I think I found something, Sherlock!  (Picks up hair) Look at this hair.

(Sherlock inspects the hair)

Sherlock:  Watson, check this hair with your computer.  But first, I need hair from every girl here!

Party Girls:  (Gasp!!!) 

(Watson cuts hair from all the girls’ heads and runs tests for each girl)

Watson to PG #3:  It’s not your hair…

PG #3:  Phew!

Watson to PG #4:  It’s not your hair…

PG #4:  Phew!

Watson to PG #5:  It’s not your hair…

PG #5:  Phew!

Watson to PG #6:  It’s not your hair…

PG #6:  Phew!

Watson to Killer:  IT’S YOUR HAIR!!!

Sherlock:  ARREST HER!!!

(Police handcuff Killer)

(All bow)


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