I’m writing in the Dublin Airport on Monday afternoon, about halfway through my four-hour layover here between Milan and New York. Hopefully I’ll get to post this soon.
As I wrote before, my whirlwind week was perfect. It began with the aforementioned road tripping around Sicily. Then I was back with my last host family from last year near Milan for a few relaxing, adventurous days.
On Thursday morning, I took the speedy train (which was disappointingly not so speedy) to Florence to meet a tutor friend from last year, Simone. Luckily, she has a friend who has an apartment in the center of the city, and some of her roommates just moved out, so I had a room to myself.
- See Simone
- Go to the Bargello, a statue museum I missed out on last year because Lonely Planet told me it closed at 1:50 every day (lie).
- Go to the piazza across the river with a great view of the city and the bronze (maybe copper?) David statue.
- Have really good gelato and possibly aperitivo
I re-visited Gelateria Dei Neri, one of the best if not the best gelateria I went to last year, and Simone’s friend took us to another gelateria across the river that I’d heard about, which was just as good if not better.
On Thursday night we went for aperitivo, which I posted a picture of in my last post. Pretty much, you go to a bar between 7-9 and pay for one drink, usually 7 or 8 euro. With that drink comes access to an unlimited buffet of appetizers. Sometimes there are only a few choices, but the place we went to had 20ish choices, including pastas, rice dishes, meat, veggie things, it was wonderful. So I had three overflowing plates of a mix of delicious food, and a strawberry daiquiri, for 8 euro.
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