Cafe Therapy
This restaurant is super Czech. Not only does it have amazing goulash, but it also has incredibly rude service. It's the cafe that I live behind/above (its address is also Skolská 30), and the source of my wireless for the first month I was here. It's a pretty noisy place, which is a welcome change from most restaurants, and its filled with Czechs, which is a pretty good sign. It's called Therapy because half of the staff is composed of recovering drug addicts, and I think some of the profits go to help addicts. I would go there several times a week if it weren't for one rude waiter.
The "Czech Music Pub"
I think its name is Hloupy something. This place has the best beer I've ever tasted, and people who don't like beer at all seem to like the beer here. The bartender is a lot of fun and he makes fun of us Americans, but in a friendly way. They have live Czech music every Friday night, which I try not to miss. Oh and they have an amazing chocolate fondant dessert, which is really hard to resist.

Leica Gallery (pictured)
I finally went into this place today, and it's what made me realize I had to post about how much I love my street. It's a photo gallery that has a cafe in front. I went there today to study for my Czech quiz, and it was wonderful. The woman working the cafe is in charge of the gallery (or at least she's in every picture on the wall) and she was really nice. I ordered hot chocolate, and got the biggest hot chocolate I've ever seen! And it came with free water! I didn't even know what to do. So I just drank them both. I'll probably be studying there regularly from now on.
I really like that you say "Czech." It took me a moment to get it, but I love it. This post makes me miss Skolska.